React vs React Native


    React and React Native have been two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks over the past several years. With their component-based architecture and efficient re-rendering powered by a virtual DOM, they have enabled developers to build smooth, interactive user interfaces with ease.

    But React and React Native are not interchangeable—they each have their own strengths and best use cases. This article will provide an in-depth, comprehensive comparison to help you decide when to use React vs React Native.

    Overview of React

    What is React?

    React is an open-source JavaScript library created by Facebook focused solely on building user interfaces. It uses a component-based architecture where developers build self-contained, reusable components that compose together to form a complete UI.

    React vs React Native

    Some key features and capabilities:

    • Components and Virtual DOM: React uses a fast virtual DOM diffing algorithm to minimize updates to the actual DOM for optimal performance. Components only update when their state changes.
    • Uni-directional data flow: Data in React apps strictly flows down from parent to child components in a top-down manner. This makes data and state easier to reason about.
    • Extensible and composable: React’s component model makes it easy to separate complex UIs into discrete, reusable pieces that can handle their own state and then compose together into complete apps. React also has a rich ecosystem of open-source libraries and tools.

    React Pros

    Reusable UI Components

    React’s component model makes it easy to encapsulate functionality into reusable, configurable components. Reduces code duplication.

    Fast Performance with Virtual DOM

    React uses a Virtual DOM to minimize costly DOM operations and re-render only components that change state for optimized performance.

    Integrates with Other Libraries

    React focuses solely on the view layer, making it easy to integrate with other popular libraries like Redux, React Router, Next.js and more.

    Strong Community

    As one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks, React has great community support, an abundance of resources, and many contributors.

    React Cons

    Only Handles the UI Layer

    While React excels at UI, you need to pull in other libraries to get a complete framework. This can add complexity in setup.

    Steep Learning Curve

    React’s JSX syntax and concepts like handle state/props take time for some developers to grasp before being productive.

    Complex Setup and Tooling

    A React codebase requires Webpack, Babel, ESLint, and sometimes other tools configured—this complex setup can deter beginners.

    Overview of React Native

    What is React Native?

    React Native is an open-source framework for building natively rendered mobile applications using React. It uses the same core React library for building user interfaces, but targets mobile platforms instead of the web.

    React vs React Native

    Some key highlights:

    • Cross-platform: Write one set of React Native code and render natively on both iOS and Android. No WebViews—UIs utilize platform-specific UI components.
    • Language and structure parity: Aside from platform-specific APIs, a React Native app shares over 95% of its code with a React web app. Significantly speeds up mobile development.
    • Live Reloading: Make changes to React Native code and view updates instantly without needing to rebuild the native app. Great for faster development.

    React Native Pros

    Write Once, Run Natively on iOS and Android

    Use majority React code across both platforms. Significantly speeds up development timelines.

    Fast Refresh for Instant Reload

    See code changes instantly without rebuilding native app. Great for faster development.

    Access Native APIs and Components

    For more advanced use cases, you can build bridges to leverage native APIs and UI components.

    Code Reuse Across Platforms

    Share the majority React and business logic code between iOS, Android and even web apps.

    React Native Cons

    Immature Framework

    React Native is newer and advances at a slower pace than native platforms. Some gaps in components and APIs.

    Limited Components

    React Native only provides common mobile components. For customized UI needs, you may need to build your own components.

    Debugging Complexities

    Debugging React Native can be more difficult due to layers between JavaScript and native. Danger of memory leaks.

    Key Differences

    Now that we have provided an overview, let’s dig deeper into some of the differences between React and React Native:

    Target Platforms

    • React – React is designed to build user interfaces for the web. It can power dynamic web apps, mobile web views, and even desktop apps using Electron.
    • React Native – React Native’s sole focus is building natively-rendered mobile applications for iOS and Android. It is not equipped for the web.
    React vs React Native

    Programming Languages

    • React – Uses standard JavaScript along with JSX, an HTML-like syntax for embedding UI components. There is full flexibility for enhancing components with any valid JavaScript.
    • React Native – Also uses JSX and JavaScript for application logic. Has some restrictions on JavaScript language features. Additionally, native language knowledge is required for bridging to platform-specific APIs and UI components.

    UI Components

    • React – Provides web-based UI components like <div><span><table> etc that get rendered to DOM elements in a browser.
    • React Native – Uses same component model, but these render to native platform UI elements. For example <View> and <Text> render differently on iOS and Android.


    • React – As a library, React solely focuses on the view layer. Additional libraries typically provide routing, APIs/data fetching, state management, etc.
    • React Native – Out of the box, React Native provides everything needed in a mobile app dev framework—views, routing navigation, native APIs etc. The distinction between library vs framework.


    • React – React provides exceptional performance through leveraging its lightweight Virtual DOM. Complex UIs re-render smoothly and efficiently.
    • React Native – There are more layers between React Native APIs and interacting with native UI components directly. This can result in occasional lag or performance issues.

    Developer Experience

    • React – Easier to initially get started with React due to abundance of web documentation/experience. Only need to know HTML, CSS, JS, React.
    • React Native – Requires both React knowledge as well as comfort with mobile dev and APIs. iOS or Android experts will need to build custom bridges to native.
    React vs React Native

    When to Use Each

    Now that we have done a thorough comparison on their features and technical capabilities, when should you be using React vs React Native?

    Use Cases for React

    React excels at building complex, interactive user interfaces, and is most commonly used for:

    • Web applications
    • Progressive web apps
    • Single-page applications
    • Static content sites

    Unless you explicitly need to render natively on mobile (for performance or API access), React should be your default choice for web projects.

    Use Cases for React Native

    React Native shines when native platform capabilities and performance is mandatory:

    • Building a consumer-facing mobile application
    • When direct mobile hardware or OS APIs access if required
    • When a native look and feel is needed for business clients

    If your product requirements call for iOS and Android apps, choose React Native. The majority code reuse will provide big gains in development speed and TCO.

    React vs React Native


    React and React Native both offer compelling advantages. React remains easier get started with and excels at complex web application UI development. React Native enables code reuse across mobile platforms, but has some limitations in components and debugging.

    For Web or PWA projects, React is likely the best choice thanks to its maturity and exceptional UI performance. However, if building a consumer-facing native mobile application, React Native will enable big wins through code reuse across iOS and Android.

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